Thursday, July 17, 2008

Up at the Cabin

We always love going up to the cabin. Especially right now, when we're in the middle of trying to move and always have to worry about how the house looks, and if the kids are keeping their rooms clean, and making sure all of us remember not to walk on the newly cleaned carpets with their shoes on, it was nice to just get away from everything and relax for a weekend up at the cabin. I got to read, Russell got to sleep and read, and the kids played games, watched movies, and ran around outside exploring nature. Russ was even sweet enough to take them on a much needed nature hike and they loved it. I got to sit back and relax and read my book (The Host, by Stephenie Meyer) which I'd been trying to read since May when it came out. Josh was equipped with the GPS and ready to tell everyone where they needed to be. We had walkie-talkies and every once in a while, I'd get to hear the report on how great the view was and how much fun they were having. It was a short, but much needed weekend away.
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Thanksgiving Point

We had such a great time when my nieces Maddi & Kennedi came into town. We started out on our 'field trip' at the Children's Garden, took a nice little walk around the gardens and then the kids loved getting wet by Noah's Ark. Then we had lunch and even with all their different appetites, we found something for all of them to eat. We went on to the Museum of Ancient Life and they all loved the dinosaurs and the cute, fun activities they had for them there. Finally, we ended at the Farm where they found food to feed all the animals and best of all, they got to ride on the horses. They all really loved that, of course. It was awesome getting to see the girls and letting the cousins spend some fun time time together.
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