Tuesday, May 20, 2008

My toe hurts Mommy

Our latest surprise was Josh breaking his toe on Sunday. He was running around at full speed downstairs when we heard him wailing that he had hurt his foot. After he had a few doses of Tylenol and a nap, he still wasn't feeling much better, and since Josh isn't really the complaining type, we decided it was probably time to take him to the doctor. Sure enough, after an x-ray, we found out it was broken. Poor little guy! Well, he's been hobbling around and crawling because he really can't stand sitting still, so hopefully he'll recover soon and be back to his old active self.
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Welcome to the blogging

Welcome to our family blog! At the suggestion of my sister in law Rebecca, I thought I'd give it a shot and try to keep everyone somewhat updated as to the happenings in our family.

We're always really busy, so that's nothing new, but hopefully I'll be able to update this pretty regularly. My husband Russ & I have three kids - Tori (10), Isabel (6), and Josh (3). They are all really involved in their various activities and so of course, WE are really involved in all their activities. Luckily, I love my new SUV that we got last month, so I really don't mind being the taxi service for my kids. Tori loves soccer, goes to piano because I hope someday she'll thank me for making her go, and of course she has all of her friends' various parties to attend also - she's definitely starting to be the little social butterfly tween. Isabel really loves dance, and wants to start a sport too, so we're thinking swimming and tumbling next. Josh is about to turn 4 in a couple of months, and he'll be old enough to start T-ball, soccer, and whatever else my active little boy can think of to do.

Well, that's our family in a nutshell. I'm sure with the summer vacation just around the corner, there will be lots more things to write about, so stay tuned!